Toronto Pflag Support Meetings

Our support meetings offer a warm, caring, and nonjudgmental place for families, friends, and loved ones, along with our LGBTQ2S+ loved ones. Whether you’re exploring your own gender identity and/or sexuality, you’re supporting someone, or you’re a parent or family member looking for support yourself, you are welcome here.

Toronto Pflag offers peer support, which means that while our facilitators have a wealth of lived experience, deep knowledge, and many years of facilitation experience, we are not clinicians or licensed therapists. We provide a safe space for you to ask questions, explore different concepts, and help make connections within this incredible community.

Meetings are confidential, and you participate as much as is comfortable for you. It’s not unusual for our new members to mostly listen for the first meeting or two, getting their bearings before participating more fully.

All support meetings are free, and we have several different virtual (online) sessions each month. Sometimes there are also in person options. Check them out and see which one feels like a fit for you.

General Support Meetings (online & IN PERSON)

We offer three meetings each month that are open to LGBTQ2S+ individuals, family members, friends, and allies. Email to begin the registration process and get on our confidential mailing list:

  • Evening meetings from 7pm to 9pm, 2nd Tuesdays (online)

  • Evening meetings from 7pm to 9pm, 4th Wednesdays (in person or online)

Dads Night Out (IN PERSON)

This meeting is specifically for fathers of LGBTQ2S + kids of any age. One of our Pflag dads recognized the need for a special place for fathers to share and connect and Dads Night has been offering a kind, supportive atmosphere for dads ever since. Email to register and get location information. Church & Wellesley area.

  • One evening meeting per month on the 4th Thursday, from from 7pm to 9pm

Transfemme and Nonbinary (online)

Our Transfemme/Nonbinary group specifically serves the transfeminine and nonbinary community and welcomes trans women, transfeminine, and nonbinary individuals 18 years and older. There are no presentation requirements, so come as you are! Please email to register or get more information.

  • One evening meeting per month on the 3rd Thursday, from from 7pm to 9:30pm


To see dates for ALL of our upcoming events, including, see the calendar on the main page or, for more details, check or Events Page.


Daytime Support Meetings (ON HOLD)

Our daytime support meetings are currently on hiatus due to low attendance. If this would be essential for you, please let us know!

This option was intended especially for those who have conflicts or circumstances that make our traditional evening meeting time challenging.

Third Tuesdays

Join us!

Our evening online meetings typically meet on the second Tuesday and fourth Wednesday of each month. 7-9pm.

You can ALWAYS find the upcoming dates on our Events Page!

To register for our next support meeting and get the link, please email

What to expect:

There is no fee to attend a meeting – it’s completely free

Support meetings can attract anywhere from a half dozen to thirty people. For some, it’s their first meeting, while others have been attending for many years. Some are parents who are have just learned that their child is transgender.  Some are struggling to accept that their child is gay.  Others are LGBTQ2S+ individuals who have been rejected by their parents. Still others simply want to learn more about LGBTQ2S+ issues now that they are part of a gay-straight family.  And some are parents and youth farther along the journey, who come to spend time with others and share their experiences with folks newer to the LGBTQ2S+ experience.

Each meeting is facilitated by Toronto Pflag volunteers, who explain that all personal information is to be treated as confidential, and not shared with anyone outside the group. To start the discussion, Toronto Pflag volunteers introduce themselves and tell the group a little bit about their personal experiences. Then we open the floor to anyone who wishes to talk or to ask questions. By sharing our journeys and lessons learned, we help one another adjust to our new family dynamic, or cope with adverse conditions. We understand that the experience of coming out as LGBTQ2S+ or learning that your child is a gender or sexual minority is unique for everyone.  As such, you will never feel like you are being judged or pressured at one of our meetings. We encourage you to move forward at your own pace.

ASL interpreting is available with advance notice. Please contact us to make arrangements.

The In Person Support Meetings are also your chance to borrow a book or DVD from our free lending library. 

Still wondering whether a Pflag support meeting is right for you?  Contact us by email ( and we’ll be happy to answer your questions.